Discharge Planning

At Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, discharge planning is part of our comprehensive approach to physical rehabilitation. We start preparing patients and their families well before discharge. Our caring team manages all the details so patients can focus on healing and prepare for a smooth transition home.
What Is Discharge Planning?
Discharge planning considers the skills, resources, and support a patient may need as they prepare to leave an inpatient facility. At Sunnyview, experienced discharge nurses lead these efforts, which may include:
- Reviewing rehabilitation activity to ensure steady progress toward discharge goals
- Explaining at-home care instructions, ongoing treatments, and medications
- Going on pre-discharge home visits to help care teams tailor patient and family training
- Helping patients and their loved ones set realistic expectations for daily activities
- Connecting patients with resources such as food delivery services and support groups
- Ordering medical supplies, equipment, or devices necessary for ongoing care
Discharge Planning After Rehabilitation at Sunnyview
Sunnyview is home to nationally recognized rehabilitation programs that help people recover from severe and life-changing medical issues. As soon as patients become medically stable, our efforts shift toward helping them go home. We tailor services that build skills and confidence for a safe discharge.
After discharge from inpatient rehab, patients have access to a broad range of services that help them reach new recovery goals. Whether it’s ongoing therapies or relearning how to drive, we can help patients live an excellent quality of life. Get more information about outpatient rehab services.
Family-Centered Approach to Discharge from Inpatient Rehab
We help families take an active role in rehabilitation so that they know how to support their loved one’s needs at home. Our approach includes:
- Family conferences: Care teams maintain regular communication with patients’ families. We explain rehabilitation plans and discuss recent progress or challenges. Your input is welcome and appreciated as we prepare your loved one for discharge.
- Training: We teach families at-home care tasks and methods for keeping loved ones safe and comfortable. You have opportunities to perform these tasks with assistance from our team. And we provide tips for troubleshooting potential challenges.
- Therapeutic passes: As your loved one’s rehabilitation progresses, you may be able to check them out of the hospital for a few hours. You may wish to go out to eat or go to the store. These outings enable you to spend quality time together while practicing new skills.