James A. Eddy Memorial Foundation Research Institute

Research at Sunnyview
Research at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital helps our patients and patients all over the world. We're committed to advancing the profession’s knowledge about physical medicine and rehabilitation by leading and participating in cutting-edge research, through our James A. Eddy Memorial Foundation Research Institute. Our research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as, most recently, the Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal and Frontiers in Neurology-Neurorehabilitation. Here are just a few examples of our Sunnyview colleagues' research.
Effects of an acute care brain injury medicine continuity consultation service on health care utilization and rehabilitation outcomes
How We Assess Spatial Neglect Matters: Prevalence of Spatial Neglect as Measured by the Catherine Bergego Scale and Impact on Rehabilitation Outcomes.
Functional outcomes and post-discharge care sought by patients with COVID-19 compared to matched controls after completing inpatient acute rehabilitation.
Currently, we have research teams studying a number of topics, including:
- The Safety and Efficacy of Dysport and Botox in Adults with Upper Limb Spasticity
- Visual Disturbances after Acquired Brain Injury
- Cognitive Weakness in Patients Recovering from Hip Fractures
- COVID-19 Short-Term Recovery and Persistent Symptoms in Cardiopulmonary Inpatient Rehabilitation Patients
- Patient Expectations During Rehabilitation of Cardiac and Pulmonary Patients: Does expecting to do better result in better outcomes?