Hand Rehabilitation Center at Albany Memorial Campus
Phone & Address
600 Northern Blvd.
600 Northern Blvd.
Albany, NY 12204
The Hand Rehabilitation Center is a unique, hospital-based, outpatient program dedicated to rehabilitation of hand and arm disorders. Our specialized staff of occupational, physical, and certified hand therapists combine their expertise to provide each patient with a comprehensive, individualized program in a caring compassionate environment. We work closely with patients, families, other medical professionals and community resources to provide the highest quality care available.
We are committed to raising the standards of excellence in hand and arm rehabilitation through research and education, and strive to consistently exceed our patients’ expectations.
Who benefits from our services?
Our program is designed for individuals with problems of the shoulder, forearm, wrist or fingers, including:
- Arthritis
- Fractures
- Tendon and nerve injuries
- Repetitive stress syndrome
- Traumatic injuries
- Edema
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Complex regional Pain Syndrome
- Congenital deformities
- Burns
- Post-surgical repair of joints, bones, nerves, tendons and other soft tissue
We combine state-of-the-art treatment techniques and equipment with more traditional therapies. Our specialty services include:
- Range of motion exercise
- Manual Therapy
- Strengthening
- Nerve and tendon gliding exercises
- Scar/wound management
- Edema control
- Wound Care
- Sensory education/desensitization
- Pain control
- Dexterity training
- Work conditioning/simulation
- Joint protection/energy saving techniques
- Ergonomic consultation
- Fabrication of custom orthotic and adaptive equipment
- ADL training
- Whirlpool/fluidotherapy
- Ultrasound
- Hot/cold packs
- Paraffin
- Electrical stimulation, including NMES, GUS, high-volt and TENS
- Biofeedback
Insurance coverage
Our services are provided with the referral of a physician. Most physician referrals are covered by insurance, however, health plans vary. We suggest you contact your insurance company to determine any limitation on your coverage.