Support Groups

St. Peter's Addiction Recovery Center
Offers groups at various locations throughout the Capital Region.
Participants: Persons seeking Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, and Adult Children of Alcoholics groups.
- Al-Anon Family Groups 518-292-0577
- Alcoholics Anonymous 518-463-0906
- Narcotics Anonymous 518-448-6350
ALS Support Groups
Participants: Persons with ALS and their families and caregivers
Contact: ALS office 518-525-1629
Bereavement Support for Adults
& Children
The Community Hospice offers many bereavement groups, free-of-charge, for both adults and children at all of its community sites.
Participants: Open to the community.
- Community Hospice of Albany County 518-724-0200
- Community Hospice of Amsterdam 518-843-5412
- Community Hospice of Columbia/Greene Counties 518-943-5402
- Community Hospice of Rensselaer County 518-285-8100
- Community Hospice of Saratoga County 518-581-0800
- Community Hospice of Schenectady County 518-377-8846
Cancer Care Support Groups
St. Peter's Cancer Care Center Information Line
Contact: 518-525-1547
THYCA (Thyroid Cancer Support Group)
Participants: For those individuals who have had thyroid cancer.
Contact: Leah Giordiano 518-439-2067
Eating Disorders & Support Groups
Overeaters Anonymous
Participants: Those seeking recovery and support from eating disorders.
Contact: 518-292-0666
Elder Care
Caregiver's Support Group
Co-sponsored with the Alzheimer's Association
Participants: Family members, caregivers and friends of people with dementia and/or other physical/emotional care needs.
Contact: Alzheimer's Association 518-438-2217
Ostomy Support
Capital Region Ostomy Association of NYS
Meeting on: the second Thursday each month (except for August and December) from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: The American Cancer Society building, One Penny Lane, Latham, NY 12110
Members include: ostomates, their friends, family members, past ostomates and pre ostomates. Some pre-ostomates are just looking to talk to real people, others are life long members.
For more information, call: 518-371-8368 or 518-785-0025
New York State Smoker's Quitline
Participants: For individuals who are seeking counseling and support while trying to quit smoking. This service is available in both English and Spanish answers to your questions and referrals to local quit smoking support groups.
Contact: 1-866-nyquits 1-866-697-8487
Nicotine Anonymous Group
Participants: Persons who are trying to stop or have stopped smoking and are looking for group support.
Contact: Maureen 518-368-6210
The Butt Stops Here
Healthy Capital District Initiative
Women & Children
Perinatal Bereavement Support Group - CARES: Compassion, Aftercare, Resources, Education, and Support
Participants: Parents experiencing a perinatal loss (miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, stillbirth, early infant death).
Location & Time: Meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel at St. Peter’s Hospital, 315 South Manning Boulevard, Albany, NY. The chapel is located on the ground floor between the ER entrance and the main entrance.
Contact: 518-525-1388 for time and location
Postpartum Peer Support Group
Participants: Mothers can share their experiences and offer support to one another.
Contact: 518-525-1388 for more information.
Post-Abortion Bereavement & Parents Support Group
Participants: Parents who have terminated a pregnancy for medical or genetic reasons.
Contact: Maureen Cavanagh, MS, RN 518-525-1872