Patients & Visitors

Other Languages & Hearing-impaired

Interpreters are available for persons who speak languages other than English. Hearing-impaired patients may request assistive listening devices, such as portable amplifiers; sign language interpreters; or, the special Telephones for the Deaf.

Identification Bracelet

Upon admission, an identification (ID) bracelet with your name and patient number will be placed on your wrist. Please wear it until after your discharge.

Personal Call Button

At your bed you will find a personal call button. Your nurse will show you how to use this button to signal for prompt assistance at any time.

Gift Shop

The "Mercy Me" Gift Shop is located off the Main Lobby on the first floor of the hospital. Open seven days/week, the gift shop sells gifts, flowers, jewelry, greeting cards, newspapers, candy and many other items.

Dining for Visitors

St. Peter's Hospital operated the following dining options for visitors and guests:

  • Main Cafeteria: Open daily from 6:45 am - 6: 30 pm
  • Boar's Head Deli: Open Monday - Friday from 11 am - 2 pm
  • 2Mato: Open Monday - Friday from 11 am - 2 pm
  • Starbucks: Open Monday - Friday from 6 am - 7 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 7 am - 3 pm

Lost & Found

Lost and unclaimed articles usually are sent to the Protective Services Office 518-525-1522, where they are kept for 30 days.


Letters and parcels addressed to patients are delivered daily to nursing units. Mail will reach you faster if it includes your full name and room number.


St. Peter's Hospital Pharmacy is critical to improving and protecting the health of our patients. At St. Peter's, the pharmacy incorporates its primary focus of medicine safety with advanced technology and processes into its 24 hour/day operations. With its main location at the Hospital, opposite the Emergency Department, the pharmacy uses highly-trained Pharmacy staff to meet its demanding workload at its multiple locations.

Inpatient Services
The pharmacy's inpatient services comprise the majority of its work and include servicing patients admitted to the Hospital and its various residential care and treatment centers (i.e., hospice, SPARC).

Outpatient Services
The St. Peter's Outpatient Pharmacy provides services to the St. Peter's Health Care Services employees and clinic patients, patients being discharged from the Hospital, as well as patients from the Community Hospice and SPARC.


In accordance with New York State law and applicable local city smoking ordinances, smoking shall not be permitted and no person shall smoke in any indoor or outdoor areas owned leased or controlled by St. Peter’s Health Partners. Outdoor areas are the grounds owned, leased or controlled by the hospital as well as an additional 15 feet from the entrance to or exit from the grounds, and include roads, sidewalks or parking lots.


To contact a telephone representative to arrange for bedside telephone service, you can dial extension 1313 from the patient's phone or dial 518-525-1881 if you are calling from outside of the hospital. Hearing access phones are available for the hearing impaired.

Television & Radio

To arrange for TV hookup, please ask your nurse. Only battery-operated radios and disc or tape players with headphones are allowed. Please do not disturb other patients.

WIFI Internet Access

WIFI Internet access is available in the surgical waiting, Emergency Department waiting and the Jazzman Café areas. It will be listed as "CHE-GUEST" under your available WI-FI connections.