St Peter's Addiction Recovery Center - Saratoga

Phone & Address

125 High Rock Ave
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

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SPARC Saratoga

SPARC Saratoga


Welcome to SPARC Saratoga. Our outpatient clinic provides a variety of services for individuals and families dealing with alcohol and substance use disorders. We offer intensive and non-intensive individual and group counseling, medication assisted services and OASAS approved Impaired Driver assessments.



What to Expect

Upon your arrival you will need to provide insurance card, picture ID and complete pre-assessment forms. You will then meet with a clinician for the assessment. Upon completion of the assessment, your counselor will discuss treatment options, and develop a treatment schedule with you.

Services Available

Individual and group counseling, Nurse assessment, medication management assessment, and possibly mental health medication management are all part of our treatment plan.

What Happens Next

Please call us to discuss your concerns, and to schedule an evaluation. We are open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM



Answer: We accept most insurance. Please contact your insurance carrier to confirm that they will cover our services.

Answer: Call MedData at 518-525-6202 or 1-888-610-5792 for help with filling out assistance applications. Call Healthy Capital District Initiative (HCDI) at 518-486-8240 for help on the NYS Marketplace. Call the SPARC Financial Counselor at 518-452-6704 to be screened for the Financial Assistance Program (FAP).

Answer: The co-pay for SPARC services is a regular office visit as listed on your insurance card. 

Answer: Bring a photo ID, insurance cards, co-pay amount due and referral documents. If you are requesting services due to a DWI/DWAI, NY State requires you to bring any related tickets and documentation to the appointment.  These are required by New York State to complete your evaluation.