St. Peter's Addiction Recovery Men's Community Residence

Phone & Address

64 Second Ave.
Albany, NY 12202

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< Outpatient Services - Addiction

SPARC Second Ave

SPARC Second Avenue, Albany


Established in 1972, SPARC is a national leader in helping persons and families to recover from substance use disorders as well as manage psychological and psychiatric problems through structured rehabilitation programs.

Our services are accredited by the Joint Commission and licensed by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports.

Our outpatient clinic provides care for persons and families experiencing substance abuse disorders.  We provide education in problem solving, stress management and relapse management.  Direct assessment and admissions to all of our services are available.



What to Expect

We are mindful of the sensitivity and unique attention each individual requires when seeking help for substance use disorders. Participants gain physical, emotional and spiritual well-being in a safe, caring and confidential setting that promotes positive relationships and personal responsibility free from substance use disorders.

Services Available

  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Psychiatric consultation and medication monitoring
  • Individual, group and family counseling
  • Relapse prevention
  • Self-esteem/relationship groups
  • Tobacco recovery services
  • Outpatient buprenorphine or naltrexone
  • Outpatient Day Treatment
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Non-intensive outpatient treatment

What Happens 

You and your clinician will develop a person centered treatment plan with goals and objectives to focus on while in treatment. You will have a nursing assessment and receive a treatment schedule designed for your needs. If needed MAT and MH referrals will be provided.



Answer: Treatment is “Person Centered” meaning we meet the needs of the individual. Treatment is individualized based on each person’s needs.

Answer:  Treatment is designed for the needs of the individual seeking services.  Evidence Based Practice and Research shows a comprehensive treatment plan including group sessions, nursing assessment, psychiatric consult and/or Medication for addiction treatment when appropriate along with family and individual sessions ensure a successful treatment and long term recovery.

Answer:  Medicaid providers may pay for transportation through MAS services.

Answer:  Yes Medications for Addition Treatment are provided when appropriate.  These medications are used for the treatment of Opiate, Alcohol and Tobacco Use Disorders. 

Answer:  Individuals should contact their carrier prior to scheduling services to find participating providers. Carrier participation is updated frequently; ask the front desk Information Associate about the participation status of your insurance.

Answer:  Bring a photo ID, insurance cards, co-pay amount due and referral documents. If you are requesting services due to a DWI/DWAI, please bring the tickets to the appointment.  These are needed to complete your evaluation.