St. Peter's Addiction Recovery - Rotterdam
< Outpatient Services - Addiction

SPARC Rotterdam
We offer a variety of treatment options where participants gain physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in a safe and caring setting that promotes positive relationships and personal responsibility free from substances
The SPARC Rotterdam clinic offers Intensive Outpatient Services, Outpatient Services and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT).
The SPARC Rotterdam clinic offers Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy (CRAFT) Services for family members, and Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Services.
SPARC Rotterdam also provides clinical assessment and treatment associated with Department of Motor Vehicles Impaired Driving System (IDS) violations.
What to Expect
Upon your arrival you will need to provide insurance card, picture ID and complete pre-assessment forms. You will then be seen by a clinician for the assessment. Upon completion of the assessment, you will receive clinical recommendations for substance abuse treatment.
Services Available
SPARC Rotterdam offers Intensive outpatient services during the day, and day and evening outpatient groups. Medication Assisted treatment, nursing assessment, individual therapy and supportive services for family are also provided.
What Happens
Next You and your clinician will develop a person centered treatment plan with goals and objectives to focus on while in treatment. You will have a nursing assessment and receive a treatment schedule designed for your needs. If needed, MAT and MH referrals will be provided.