Institutional Review Board

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The St. Peter's Health Partners Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a group that is formally designated to approve, monitor and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans. The IRB aims to protect the rights and welfare of the research's subjects.

  • The IRB provides this service to all St. Peter's staff, community physicians and professionals.
  • All human research conducted on the property and in the facilities of St Peter's Health Partners requires approval by the IRB prior to commencement of research.

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Human Research Protection (OHRP) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have authorized and empowered the IRB to perform critical oversight, review and approval (or disapproval) of:

  • new research studies;
  • modifications to research (e.g., research protocols, informed consents, etc.);
  • renewal of approved studies;
  • research correspondence;
  • adverse and unexpected events require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research;
  • exemption from research monitoring;
  • and more.

Reviews are accomplished via Full Board, Expedited Review, or Exempt Review. All submissions to the IRB are completed electronically.

If you need any of the following services:

  • New research submission - Contact the IRB office.
  • Return userSign-in to the IRB electronic submission site.
  • For any of the following, contact the IRB office:
    • Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Listing of IRB Members
    • Statement of IRB Compliance
    • IRB forms and templates

Otherwise, please contact the IRB Office directly by email or by calling 518-525-6273.