Cardiac Critical Care Unit

Doctor in OR

St. Peter’s Health Partners delivers nationally recognized heart services, including specialized services for patients with severe, life-threatening heart and vascular conditions. Our cardiac critical care unit (CCU) provides minute-by-minute therapies and monitoring that give our sickest patients the best chances for recovery.

Who are Cardiac Critical Care Unit Services For?

You may need to stay in our Cardiac CCU if you are:

  • Recovering from heart surgery or certain cardiac catheterization procedures
  • In critical condition due to a recent heart attack or stroke
  • Living with advanced aortic disease or arrhythmias
  • Experiencing other serious medical conditions, like respiratory failure or a kidney injury, that affect heart functioning
  • Using an implantable device to assist the heart’s pumping function (left ventricular assist device, or LVAD)
  • Waiting for a heart transplant due to heart failure

Cardiac Critical Care Excellence at St. Peter’s Health Partners

Patients in our CCU receive services from teams that exceed national critical care standards. Our commitment to excellence has earned our program the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses prestigious Beacon Award multiple times. This award recognizes our ability to use research-based methods, report outcomes, and maintain excellent results.

Our Cardiac Critical Care Program Includes:

  • Highly Skilled Nurses: Nurses with additional training in cardiac critical care provide around-the-clock services. Their experience caring for severely ill patients enables them to detect small changes that signal the need for immediate attention. We keep nurse-to-patient ratios low so you receive the extra attention you deserve.
  • Coordination: Doctors you already know and trust take an active role in your recovery. Cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and vascular disease specialists visit their patients daily. These frequent touchpoints make it easier to adjust treatments to your changing needs.
  • Innovative Therapies: St. Peter’s Health Partners is one of the only places in the Capital Region offering extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). This mechanical system takes over heart and lung functioning when you are too sick for them to work on their own.
  • Smooth Transitions: Our concern for your well-being doesn’t stop after you feel better. Additional services, such as a cardiac step-down unit and outpatient cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, help you transition back into daily life. Research shows that these services lower the risk of needing to go back to the hospital after discharge.

In our cardiac critical care unit, you may receive:

  • Continuous Cardiac Monitoring - You receive minute-by-minute heart function monitoring. We check for arrhythmias, monitor blood pressure inside your heart, and more. Nurses have real-time access to this information and respond immediately to sudden changes. Doctors are available on short notice when necessary.
  • ECMO (Life Support) - You may need to be on life support if you have severe lung damage or your heart is too weak to keep up with your body’s needs. ECMO machines pump blood, add oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide.
  • Mechanical Ventilation - If it is difficult for you to breathe, a mechanical ventilator will deliver oxygen to your lungs. We program the machine to meet your needs. The ventilator does more of the lungs’ work when you are sicker and provides lighter support as you get better.
  • Respiratory Therapy - Highly skilled respiratory therapists deliver a range of services that enable many people to breathe without a ventilator. Therapies include a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or similar breathing machine to keep your airway open. Therapists also deliver deep-breathing treatments and teach you how to clear your airway.
  • Daily Visits from Specialists - Our cardiovascular specialists are at your bedside every day. We perform assessments, get input from nurses, and discuss your response to treatment. When you are feeling better, we start preparing you for the next phase of recovery.

Cardiac Step-Down Unit and Cardiopulmonary Rehab

When you are well enough to leave the CCU, we continue supporting your recovery with additional services that include:

Cardiac Step-Down Unit

This intermediate level of care transitions you through the next stage of recovery. Nurses and physical therapists help you safely get moving again. Continuous cardiac monitoring and daily check-ups from heart experts keep you safe during your stay. We also review important self-care instructions so you feel confident about your upcoming discharge.

Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

After you leave the hospital, outpatient cardiopulmonary rehabilitation helps you safely return to everyday life. This medically supervised program includes exercise, strength training, and healthy lifestyle coaching.

These facilities feature exercise equipment, a unique therapy pool, and a relaxed atmosphere. These services are available for a modest fee. All of our programs are nationally certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).

Learn more about our outpatient programs and our locations.

For patients who need additional assistance, we also offer inpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. These services are available through our renowned Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital.


All our programs are nationally certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR)