Mental Health Services

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Care at Every Stage of Mental Illness

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If you or someone you know has a mental disorder or is having a difficult time emotionally, you are not alone. Whether you are having an emergency crisis or looking for long-term guidance and counseling, St. Peter’s Health Partners can help.

Mental Health Services at St. Peter’s Health Partners: Why Choose Us?

Our network of experienced professionals helps people with a variety of issues throughout the journey to mental wellness. At our facilities, you will find:
  • Care close to home at every stage of mental illness: We offer crisis services, inpatient hospital stays and long-term outpatient counseling. Whether you’re having a mental health emergency or working on long-term recovery, we can help.
  • Trusted network of mental health specialists: We have a vast network of experts in mental wellness. Every year, more than 5,000 patients with mental illness trust our team of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, counselors, educators, pharmacists and social workers. 
  • Patient-focused care coordination: The mental health professionals at St. Peter’s Health Partners work closely with many other health care professionals to treat the whole patient. We coordinate with primary care providers and specialists when needed. Together, we assess and meet all of your health needs along your journey to wellness. 
  • Follow-up support: When you leave any of our facilities after treatment for a mental health problem, you will have a plan for success. We give you detailed instructions on how to cope and manage and connect you with professional support and guidance.
  • Privacy and respect: Everything you share with us is confidential, with very few exceptions. We are required by law to report if a patient or someone else is in danger and provide records demanded by a court.

Crisis Intervention

The crisis unit at St. Peter’s Health Partners is available 24/7 to help anyone who is having a mental health emergency. Our crisis team keeps you safe and protects your privacy. We conduct a physical evaluation and interview you to learn about your needs. We then work with you to decide what kind of care you need. Your treatment plan may include:
  • Hospitalization
  • Referral to a local rehabilitation center if you also have a substance use disorder
  • Referral to a community agency or outpatient clinic for long-term treatment
After you go home, our mental health specialists follow up with you to make sure you have the support and follow-up appointments you need.

Inpatient Care

Our inpatient centers offer round-the-clock mental health care. Our team will: 
• Stabilize the symptoms that brought you to the hospital
• Protect your privacy — but involve your family members or loved ones if you wish 
• Create a plan so that you can leave the hospital as independently and safely as possible
• Connect you with services to help you after you leave the hospital, such as housing, counseling and case management
• Educate you on how to maintain mental health and stay out of the hospital
We also have special inpatient units for patients in particularly challenging situations:
  • Geriatric Psychiatry Unit: This unit helps older adults who have multiple psychiatric and medical needs. Our team has expertise in managing various health issues and medications in this complex population. We aim to help patients be as independent as possible after they leave the hospital.
  • Mentally Ill/Chemically Addicted (MICA) Unit: Many people have a mental disorder and a substance use disorder at the same time. The MICA unit team can stabilize your symptoms, help you withdraw, keep you safe while you are in the hospital and teach you ways to prevent relapse. Before you leave the MICA unit, you get a detailed plan on how to stay healthy after discharge.
  • Adult Mental Health Unit (MHU): The MHU cares for adult patients with psychiatric symptoms who must be hospitalized to stay safe. We stabilize patients, manage their symptoms and discharge them with a plan for success.

Outpatient Care

St. Peter’s Health Partners offers many outpatient services to help you stay mentally well. You can decide what you want to work on and at what pace. Our team of psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, nurses and case managers helps you achieve those goals. We assess your needs and prepare a plan. We meet with you regularly to review your progress and connect with your other health care providers. 
Your outpatient care may include:
  • Case management
  • Coaching on life skills and how to reach certain goals
  • Dual therapy for people with mental disorders and substance use disorders
  • Education about ways to manage stress, such as mindfulness and meditation
  • Family support 
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Medication management
  • Psychological assessment

Services to Help You Succeed and Stay Healthy 

We go the extra mile to coordinate any other health care or social services you may need. Our psychiatrists, counselors, physicians, medical specialists, pharmacists, nurses, addiction counselors, social workers and others work together — so you can get all of your care in one place.
Other ways we care for special populations:
  • Our social workers often help people find work, housing, recreational opportunities, parenting resources and more.
  • People who get overstimulated and overly stressed often need a chance to unwind. Our state-of-the-art “comfort room” is a sanctuary from stress where patients can calm themselves. It decreases the need for restraints and seclusion. 
  • Many staff members are bilingual in English and Spanish, which improves care for our Spanish-speaking patients. 
A woman holding her knee

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Call to request an appointment or learn more about St. Peter's Health Partners' services.
