Healthy Families

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Supporting Families in the Capital Region

Children begin to develop vital social, emotional and cognitive skills in infancy. Their earliest experiences and relationships are critically important to their long-term health and well-being.

If you need support to parent your baby or young child, St. Peter’s Health Partners is here to help. We offer a free, voluntary program for qualifying families who have a baby on the way or a child younger than 5 years old. 
Our proven methods help make children and families in the Capital Region healthier, more connected and more successful.

Making My Family Healthier: Why Choose St. Peter’s Health Partners?

As part of the Healthy Families America network, St. Peter’s Health Partners offers several advantages to families in the Capital Region:
  • Someone in your corner: Parenting can be stressful. Our Healthy Families staffers teach skills and strategies to help you cope. They can connect you with other services to help you manage other life challenges. The support can help you manage the struggles and enjoy the happy moments.
  • Your priorities: We learn what aspects of parenting are most important to you and work with you to bring out your best. 
  • Trained and experienced staff: Our social workers are trained and accredited by Healthy Families America. They have extensive experience helping children and families, as well as the support and resources of a large health network.
  • Care, trust and respect: We build a relationship with you and your family based on trust and respect. Our staff members are sensitive and respectful of your cultural and financial background.
  • Proven success: The Healthy Families approach improves a child’s health, development, well-being and performance in school.

How Can Healthy Families America Help My Family?

The Healthy Families program helps you develop a nurturing relationship with your children. It also connects you to various services that can help you balance life and parenthood. 
You decide what you need or want to work on, for example: 
  • Balancing work and home responsibilities
  • Child care
  • Family relationships
  • Health care for your family
  • Healthy pregnancy
  • Housing needs
  • Life skills
  • Preparing for school
  • Social services, such as transportation
Based on your priorities, our staff will coach you to be a more engaged, successful parent. The program improves:
  • Access to health care and insurance
  • Children’s readiness for school and grades throughout school
  • Child development milestones, like when a baby talks, walks or uses the potty
  • Families’ ability to help themselves
  • Healthy birth rates
  • Scores on tests of cognitive (mental) ability
It also decreases:
  • Behavioral and developmental problems
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Pregnancy complications

Healthy Families: What to Expect

A staff member of St. Peter’s Health Partners may refer parents to the Healthy Families Program. For example, an obstetrician, pediatrician or nurse in a birthing center might suggest that you and Healthy Families connect.
If you are interested, someone from Healthy Families will call to talk about your needs and your strengths. Based on that respectful and confidential conversation, our staff will recommend a program for you and your family. It may include:
  • Appointments with health care providers, such as a pediatrician or obstetrician
  • Connections to services throughout the community
  • Home visits, weekly at first, up to three years
  • Phone calls
  • Social services to help with transportation, housing, job hunting, legal situations or other needs
  • Support groups with other parents who understand what you’re going through

Take the Next Step

Participation in Healthy Families is voluntary, and you can stop receiving services whenever you’d like. Call 518-376-3402 or email to enroll or learn more about the Healthy Families program.

Atendemos a las familias que hablan español.