Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Philosophy
The foundation of St. Peter’s Hospital (SPH) nursing incorporates standards for professional practice, standards of patient care and organizational structure as sustenance for a healthy work environment. Our structure is supported and maintained through shared governance, which is integral to our progress and achievements.
Nursing at SPH is grounded in dedication to our patients, families and community with consideration of global challenges and opportunities. We embody a strong commitment to providing and improving care with extraordinary outcomes within a true environment of caring as professed by theorist Jean Watson. Consistent with the values of SPH, nursing at St. Peter’s has adopted Watson’s ideology for its conceptual framework. According to Watson:
"Nursing is concerned with promoting health, preventing illness, caring for the sick and restoring health.”
Nursing’s strength is its ability to join science with art. Caring is demonstrated through human acts. These acts are based upon the scientific problem solving method to make nursing-related judgments and decisions. The art of nursing is central to the caring relationship. Nursing’s goal, through the caring process, is to help people gain a high degree of harmony within the self in order to promote self-knowledge and self-healing; or to gain insight into the meaning of life events.
We integrate evidence-based practice into our clinical processes and operations through recognition that it is inherent in the role of the nurse at SPH. We support innovations in nursing care through a structure that incorporates research and inquiry that is evident at the bedside.
We believe the quality of nursing leadership is tantamount to ensuring a structure and process which enriches our outcomes at all levels. The transformational components of our leaders are evident in the support and enrichment of the role of the St. Peter’s nurse.
The nursing staff at SPH is empowered to act on behalf of their patients through open communication and a shared governance environment. Nursing staff are active participants in decision-making structures and are positioned to address standards of care and issues of concern.
Nurses are integral members of the interdisciplinary patient care team and are recognized for their unique practice. Nurses are supported in the continued learning and development processes that are foundational to exemplary nursing practice. Our nursing practice is integrated with the mission, vision, and values of SPH. The integrity of our practice is assured through competency assessment and peer evaluation at all levels. Nursing outcomes are benchmarked nationally and trended internally.
SPH nurses contribute to the advancement of the discipline through participation in nursing organizations, dissemination of new nursing knowledge and a spirit of inquiry.
Professional Practice Model
Emanating from St. Peter’s Hospital (SPH) Mission and Vision, our Professional Nursing Practice Model is the tangible expression of a nursing culture grounded in the values of Shared Governance, Healthy Work Environment, Culture of Inquiry, Celebration of Achievement and the Caring Science. St. Peter's Professional Practice Model provides guidance in the development of professional nursing practice and demonstrates our commitment to supporting an environment that fosters excellence in nursing practice.
The expression of our Professional Practice Model is an iterative process; a fluid representation of nursing practice. Nurses of St. Peter's use the premises of Jean Watson, principles of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses Healthy Work Environment, and Forces of Magnetism in daily practice to build strong, collaborative relationships with patients, peers and all members of the health care team.
Strategic Plan
St. Peter’s Health Partners: To be the region’s leading system for quality, efficiency, and innovation in compassionate care and senior services.
- Provide high-quality, accessible, patient-centered care.
- Strive for nursing-sensitive quality indicators that exceed national benchmarks.
- Foster professional development.
- Foster excellence in clinical practice.
- Identify and promote nursing research strengths at St. Peter’s Hospital.
- Promote translational research.
- Place SPH at the forefront of nursing education.
- Provide outstanding educational experiences for new graduate nurses, new hires, and current staff.
- Establish strong, consistent, and committed leadership.
- Recruit and retain top-quality nursing staff. Increase percentage of BSN-prepared staff.
- Instill a culture of pride, accountability, and teamwork across nursing.
- Foster exceptional staff engagement.
- Develop a sustainable financial future for nursing.
- Enhance the image and strengthen the identity of SPH nursing.
- Establish strong collaboration and partnerships through Albany County and the region.