Support Groups

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"This caregiver group for me is a safe place that we can come; where others understand what we journey and we support one another." 
- Jen

Meeting invites are sent by email the week prior. Please let us know if you want to be on the mailing list by calling the ALS Center at 518.525.1629.

Information Support-ALS Caregivers Group

"A time to come together to connect, share and support one another through the journey of ALS."

Time:  4:30 - 5:45 p.m. 

Meetings will be held at the ALS Center and by Microsoft Teams if you can’t attend in person.

RSVP or for more information: Contact the ALS Regional Center at 518-525-1629 

2024 Meeting Dates (2nd Wednesday of every month):

  • Jan 10
  • Feb 14
  • March 13
  • April 10
  • May 8
  • June 12
  • July 10
  • Aug 14
  • Sept 11
  • Oct 9
  • Nov 13
  • Dec 11

ALS Information/Advocacy/Support Group

For more information: Contact the ALS Regional Center at 518-525-1629 

2024 Meeting Dates TBD


ALS Grief Support Group

"Sharing the Journey of Life After Loss"

Meetings will be held at the ALS Center and by Microsoft Teams if you can’t attend in person.

Time:  4:30 - 6 p.m. 

RSVP or for more information: Contact the ALS Regional Center at 518-525-1629 

2024 Meeting Dates (4th Monday of every month):

  • Jan 22
  • Feb 26
  • March 25
  • April 22
  • May 20
  • June 24
  • July 22
  • Aug 26
  • Sept 23
  • Oct 28
  • Nov 25
  • Dec 23