Head and Neck Cancer

At St. Peter's Health Partners, we deliver nationally recognized care for head and neck cancers right here in the Capital Region. You get access to an extensive range of specialists and therapies, ensuring you receive a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Head and Neck Cancer Care at St. Peter's Health Partners: Why Choose Us?

People in Albany, Troy and the surrounding areas choose our cancer program because we offer:

  • Collaborative team: Skilled cancer specialists work with ear, nose and throat physicians (otolaryngologists), speech language pathologists, reconstructive surgeons and other providers. This collaboration among experts helps you get complete care for head and neck cancer.
  • Advanced treatment options: From state-of-the-art radiation therapy to minimally invasive surgery, we offer several cancer treatments, so you have more choices.
  • Whole-person care: We treat cancer while preserving as much head and neck functionality as possible. Your care plan may include rehabilitation to help you maintain your ability to breathe, speak, swallow and perform daily activities.

What Are Head and Neck Cancers?

Head and neck cancers typically start in the soft tissues that line the mouth, tongue, throat (pharynx and larynx), tonsils, thyroid, salivary glands and sinuses. Cancer that affects the brain or eyes is usually not considered head cancer.

Heavy alcohol and tobacco use cause a large percentage of head and neck cancers. However, an increasing number of mouth and throat cancers are caused by HPV. Over time, HPV in the mouth can cause cancer cells to develop.

Common symptoms of head and neck cancers include:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness
  • Sores or lumps in the mouth or throat
  • Unexplained bleeding in the mouth, throat or sinuses

Head and Neck Cancer Screening

Your primary care doctor or dentist may screen for mouth or throat cancer if you are at high risk due to HPV or tobacco and alcohol use. If you exhibit any signs or symptoms of cancer, your doctor will order further tests.

Head and Neck Cancer Diagnosis

Our cancer specialists work with otolaryngologists and interventional radiologists to perform several tests to ensure the most accurate diagnosis possible. We offer:

  • Endoscopy: We use a thin, flexible tube with a camera at one end (laryngoscope or nasal endoscope) to examine the larynx, pharynx and nasal cavities.
  • Biopsy: We may use endoscopy or a needle to retrieve a small sample of tissue or fluid from inside the head or neck. Cancer specialists and pathologists examine the sample to determine if it's cancerous.

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment

Our expert team will create a care plan tailored to the type, stage and location of the head and neck cancer. Whenever possible, we choose treatments that will have the fewest effects on your function and appearance.

We may recommend chemotherapy in combination with radiation therapy or surgery Targeted therapy or immunotherapy can also treat some types of head and neck cancer.

Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer

We offer innovative radiation therapies that target head and neck tumors:

  • Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): We deliver precise doses of radiation in the exact shape of the tumor. This technique minimizes damage to surrounding tissues, which is especially important for the delicate areas of the head and neck.
  • Stereotactic body radiation treatment (SBRT): This powerful, high-dose radiation therapy may require fewer treatments than traditional external beam radiation therapy.

Surgery for head and neck cancer

For early-stage head and neck cancers, we may recommend an endoscopic or robotic-assisted procedure to remove tumors. This minimally invasive technique can help preserve functions like swallowing and speaking. Minimally invasive surgery can also offer:

  • Fewer cosmetic side effects
  • Less postoperative pain
  • Shorter recovery

For more complex surgeries, our cancer specialists collaborate with head and neck surgeons, reconstructive surgeons, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons. These experts help choose the best procedure for your needs. After surgery, you may need speech or swallowing therapy.