Prevention Education and Community Engagement
Prevention Education and Community Engagement (PEACE)
Since the 1980's, St. Peter’s Crime Victim Services has collaborated with partners across the Capital Region who share a goal of reducing the incidence of crime through community education.
Our team of certified educators offers single and multi-session workshops
Workshop topics can include but are not limited to:
- personal safety
- digital safety
- bystander intervention
- consent and healthy relationships
- recognizing abuse/maltreatment
- responding to disclosures
- connecting with vital resources
- programs by requests
Our workshops are designed to empower participants to make informed choices, practice healthy behaviors, and suppor their peers. We have experience working with public and private schools, colleges and universities, senior centers, spirituality centers, correctional facilities, community supervision agencies, and other types of community groups. All programs are offered free of cost, and can be facilitated in professional settings, classrooms, informal meeting spaces and virtual platforms. Our program can also provide resources and information to community members at a variety of events, including resource events, tabling events, fairs, markets, and other types of community gatherings.
Have ideas not listed here? Reach out to our team! We collaborate and adapt our workshops & activities to the needs of our audience.
To schedule a program with our educators, please complete this Program Request Form. For more information, contact

We're here for you.
Contact us:
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 518-271-3257