Open House - Parent Teacher Conferences

Open House - Parent Teacher Conferences

Open House

In August of each year, Mercy Cares For Kids opens for two evenings for our parents to attend an open house before children start our program or transition to the next age group. Our teachers offer a variety of activities to represent the types of materials and activities that their children will experience during the next year. Display boards are used to show pictures of children going through the routine of the day and enjoying new experiences. This provides opportunity for parents to ask questions about the program and what to expect during transition in September.

This also offers a great opportunity to show families where learning is taking place as we explain the benefits of interacting with these materials.

Pre-K Open House

An open house is held in April for families of children in our Threes program. At this time, families learn about our Pre-K classrooms and the program provided for children leaving Mercy Cares For Kids for Kindergarten or a local district Pre-K program. Parents are given an opportunity to ask questions, speak with our teachers and discover how the children become prepared for school as they explore and play with new materials in our classrooms.

Parent – Teacher Conferences

Twice a year we offer our families an opportunity to meet with their child's teacher in an informal setting. Teachers use the Teaching Strategies developmental checklist to exchange information with families about how their child: listens and follows directions, plays with other children, and interacts with materials. Teachers and families exchange anecdotal stories which help us to work together to better meet the needs of inpidual children. These conferences are not meant to take the place of daily communications or "as-needed" meetings but provide our families with the opportunity to ask questions and talk about goals for their child.