Current Students

The following academic and support services are available to all students in the Schools of Nursing:
- Academic Advising
- ATI Materials
- Campus Health Services
- Faculty
- Health Sciences Library
- Hudson Valley Community College Resources
- Learning Resource Coordinator
- Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program
- Student Government
- Student Handbooks
- Title IX Education for Faculty, Staff and Students
Academic Advising:
All new students meet with Student Services representatives and a Nursing Curriculum Plan is established. The Plan is kept in the student's file. The student is assigned an advisor upon registration. The advisors are drawn from one of the following: faculty, Student Services personnel, the Learning Resource Coordinator or the Director. The student will meet at least once every semester with his or her advisor prior to registration and may meet more frequently as necessary. Students are provided with written and verbal information about the advisement process every semester prior to registration and may find an overview of the advisement process in the Student Handbook.
ATI Materials:
The Comprehensive Assessment and Review Program (CARP) is a tool for study and remediation. Results of ATI online focused practice assessments enable students to identify their own areas of weakness and remediate appropriately. Faculty members also have access to this data and may track students' engagement with ATI materials. Additional ATI resources include at least the following: Nurse Logic which enhances students' critical thinking abilities; Learning System which includes more test questions with rationales and a glossary of medical terms with pronunciation; a focused review with videos and book references; and online review modules.
Campus Health Services:
In collaboration with the School's administration, the hospital's Employee Health Department oversees the policies and services related to student health issues. Students are charged a health services fee every semester.
The course chairs and adjunct clinical faculty make themselves available both formally and informally on an ongoing basis to provide support. When working with students, faculty will identify barriers and recommend strategies for success. In some cases they will work directly with the student, or they may refer the student to one or more of the resources below.
Health Sciences Libraries:
The Libraries maintains a collection of materials, both print and electronic, in addition to required course materials that are selected to support student learning. In particular, these materials include a wide variety of NCLEX "prep" books which include outlines of the theoretical content of standard nursing curricula, and hundreds of NCLEX style questions that students may use to assess their own learning. These materials are also available electronically.
Hudson Valley Community College Resources:
Students who are enrolled in co-requisite courses at Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) are entitled to use all the student resources at that institution. In particular, they may use the services of the Learning Assistance Center (LAC). Among other things, the LAC offers a writing lab, tutoring, and classes in test taking and study skills. HVCC's science department offers tutoring and assistance with science co-requisites.
Learning Resource Coordinator:
The Learning Resource Coordinator (LRC) is available to support students' learning in both the theoretical and practical components of the curriculum. The LRC is a master's prepared registered professional nurse who has developed special skills to support learners.
This educator works with students who either request help or who are required to complete remediation. A student may receive tutoring in theoretical content, may receive guidance on test-taking and study skills, or may practice psychomotor skills under the guidance of the LRC.
Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program:
This service is offered at Samaritan Hospital free of charge. Information about this service is provided to students at orientation. One particularly important aspect of this program is domestic violence counseling.
Student Government:
The Samaritan Student Government Association (SGA) and St.Peter's Student Nurse Association (AMSNA) are constituents of the National Student Nurses Association, to which the associate degree students are subscribed. Practical Nurse students (at Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing only) are subscribed by the school to the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses. SGA and SPSNA provide venues where students may network and grow professionally. Both organizations also sponsor community service and social events.